Tuesday Night @ Game Changers


In Acts 3 & 4, Peter heals a disabled man and then is arrested and questioned by religious leaders! He didn’t heal that man in his own power though; he had God’s power. We do too. God has given us his Holy Spirit and his Word (the Bible) to enable us to live for him.



Here are the questions we talked about in snack time. Ask your child(ren) the questions and get a conversation going at home!

1. How long had the disciples been following Jesus?
Answer: 3 years 

2. How do you think they felt when Jesus died? What about when they saw him after he had risen again? 

3. What gift did Jesus promise to give his disciples after he went up to heaven?
Answer: The gift of the Holy Spirit 

4. What did the Holy Spirit help Peter and John do that they wouldn’t have been able to do normally? 
Answer: Heal the crippled man. Speaking boldly to the religious leaders about Jesus. 

5. What kind of things can the Holy Spirit power us up to do that we can’t do on our own? 
Answers: Obey God. Love people who are mean to us. Forgive. Be brave in following him. Pray & read our Bibles. Talk to our friends about Jesus, give us wisdom… 

We have the same job that the disciples did. God wants us to keep following Jesus our whole lives and tell the whole world about him. 

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