Baptism at Calvary

Buried in the likeness of Jesus’ death

Raised to walk in newness of life


If you’re ready to make your public declaration of faith - baptism - we’re looking forward to celebrating with you! Baptism is an important step in your faith journey. At Calvary, those preparing for baptism follow a 3-step process:

  1. Complete a Request to be Baptized form

  2. Have a one-on-one pre-baptism conversation with a pastor (or a membership one on one, if applicable)

  3. Discuss with the Calvary office team which service in which to be baptized during our next baptism Sunday

If you decide to complete the baptism application online, you’ll be contacted in a few days by our office staff to discuss the next steps. Email us at or call our office (219.462.4026) to receive an application by mail or email and begin the process.

What is Baptism?

The Calvary Kids team explains

Baptism is about letting those around you know that you confess and believe.  Here’s how we explain those two words in Calvary Kids and how we help them understand what it means to become a Christian: To confess means that you agree with God about your sin, your broken condition, and your need to be rescued. To believe means that you trust that Jesus Christ is the “Rescue Man” that God promised. He came after you, did it perfect for you, died as your substitute, and rose again in victory over sin and death.  Because of what Jesus did, and what he’s promised, if you have “grabbed on to Jesus” by having a conversation with him about these things, then we believe that he has made some awesome promises to you. He will “grab on” to you (send the Holy Spirit to live in you) and will never let go, he will begin to shape and mold you to be more like Jesus, and he will keep all of his many promises to you.  

Baptism is not what saves a person; rather, it is one of the first things a saved person does in order to “put on the jersey” (identify that I am on Jesus’ “team”). Baptism is a symbol, like a wedding ring, that will always remind you of the promises you make by confessing and believing in Jesus and remind you of the gracious promises that God has made to you and will always keep.

While our church does not require a baptism or catechism class, it is highly recommended that all children who wish to be baptized attend My Faith Foundations class. This 4-week class is offered each spring and fall, and is a helpful catechism covering God’s character, the person and work of Jesus, baptism, and life as a follower of Christ.  To register your child for the next class, simply email us at

If you have any questions, our staff is happy to help. Contact us at the church office (219.462.4026).