Lenten Devotions

March 31 | The Counselor

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.
John 14:26

There is a quote from English author Samuel Johnson made famous by C. S. Lewis: “People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed” (Mere Christianity). Isn’t that so true?! We tend to be a forgetful people and Jesus knew it! He knew that we are a people prone to doubt, prone to worry, and prone to letting the cares of this world drown out the melody of his grace. That is why, as he neared the end of his life, he began to assure his followers that it was better he go in order that the Holy Spirit could be poured out on God’s people. 

If you have confessed your need for a Savior and have believed in Jesus Christ, then the very Spirit of Jesus dwells in you, bearing witness with your spirit that you are his. Do you hear his voice? Have you created space to hear his voice? Have you desired to hear his voice? One of the great roles of the Holy Spirit is to remind you and I WHO we are and WHOSE we are. This is why it is so vital to cultivate a relationship with the Holy Spirit through Scripture reading, prayer, and worship. It’s in these practices that his reminding, teaching voice will become louder and louder! The Helper has come and so, dear brother and sister, get to know him more and more. We all certainly need it to be his voice that reverberates the loudest in our minds!


Jesus, I thank you that you have given me your Holy Spirit. I confess that there are times that I let the voice of the evil one, the voices of this world, and my own voice speak the loudest. Holy Spirit, forgive me for drowning out your voice. Give me the power to pursue you like never before and to hear your gentle guidance. Fill me fresh today and speak to me. I am listening! Amen.

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