Lenten Devotions

April 9 | Listening

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry…
James 1:19

Listening, really listening, to someone is such a gift. We live in a world of talkers. It seems clear to me that there are a lot more people talking than listening (to someone other than themselves!). Greg Speck is a listener. He is an amazing communicator and speaks to thousands at a time. But if you are ever with him alone or in a small group, he will ask about you and then listen. The people who talk to him feel genuinely loved. They have received a great gift. 

I’d like to challenge you today: Do some self-assessment. Evaluate your conversations. Do you tend to lean toward saying something? Or are you leaning into trying to listen? If you take this challenge seriously, you will soon discover if you are receiving the gift, are merely frustrated that you aren’t, or are giving the gift. And if you are giving the gift of genuinely listening, the people speaking to you feel loved by you. I think you might be amazed how difficult it is to merely ask about someone and then simply listen.

Dear Lord, reveal to me my propensity to speak over listening. Check my heart’s condition when I am so bent on getting something across that I fail to give any gift of listening at all. Thank you that we are all fully known by you.

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