Lenten Devotions

April 4 | Worship = Wisdom

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Proverbs 9:10 | Click to read all of Proverbs 9:1-10 

We live in an age where we’ve never had so much “knowledge.” Everything we need to know is one Google search or YouTube video away! There’s an app for that! The funny thing is that despite all of this knowledge, I think we all can look around and feel this deep sense that we are seriously lacking something. How is it that we can spend so much time accumulating knowledge from unending sources and yet find ourselves more empty and troubled than ever? Could it be that we have confused knowledge for true wisdom? We see in this passage that wisdom is ready, waiting and calling out: ”her table is set” and she is readily available! We just need to know where to start!

Could it be that what our souls are longing for the most, can only be found in the awe and wonder in, and the adoration and worship of our God? As you take this time of Lent to strip away some of the noise in your life, would you commit to pursuing his presence like never before? If we would only begin to cultivate lives of awe and wonder in him, I think we might find the peace, assurance, and confidence that true wisdom brings. True wisdom is a song that drowns the noise of empty knowledge. It’s a tune that is easy to sing and lasts a lifetime once learned.


Lord, forgive me for all the noisy knowledge I have pursued ahead of you. This day, God, would you stir my heart to awe and wonder at who you are and all you’ve done?  Reveal yourself to me in new ways and by the power of the Holy Spirit at work within me. Give me a wisdom that only comes from you. Amen.

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