Lenten Devotions

April 15 | The Wedding Feast

Click to read Matthew 22:1-10

One of my very favorite memories is of sitting at a friend’s table with almost a dozen women, all of us complete or near strangers to one another, laughing and talking. This is how I picture the wedding feast in Matthew 22. We were such a diverse group that really our only common bond was our love for our friend who had invited us in. In that way, we were like another wedding feast in Scripture; it’s in Revelation 19:6-9 and is also a preview of heaven. I expect that day in heaven will be much the same: strangers – with a few familiar friends mixed in – invited in by Jesus, united by our love for him, and now celebrating the coming of his kingdom!  

My heart breaks for those who reject the invitation but rejoices for those who gladly accept it. Jesus’ words here are aimed at the Pharisees who rejected him, but they also point to the big tent that is the church. We are so quick to filter faith and Christian practice through our own cultural perceptions. Too often we think people should be like us to be Christians. How backward is that? The invitation from God is to love Jesus and be transformed into Christ-likeness, not middle-class, Midwestern, white Christian-likeness (or whatever describes you; that describes me). 

Heaven is going to be bursting with color, culture, and languages. Also it won’t matter a bit what your political party was, your job, your income, your IQ, or your personality type, only that you are clothed in Jesus’ righteousness. No one else’s stats will matter either, which means those things don’t matter much now. Let’s raise a glass to that.

God, open my eyes to see the beauty and value of the Christ-followers you put in my path, especially when they don’t do things the way I do or think about issues the way I think Christians should. Give me eyes to see your people the way you do and celebrate with them now, not just in the future!

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