Wednesday Night @ Surf Rescue

Family Fun Night is tomorrow (Thursday) at 5:30p and EVERYONE is invited!

You’re invited to the last night of Surf Rescue Team training. Join us inside at Calvary to get a taste of what VBS nights have been like for your kids with bouncing worship songs, a brand new comedy skit, highlight videos of VBS week, and one more quick story about Jesus, the ultimate lifesaver! Then, it’s outside to play!

Bounce Houses 〰️ Dunk Tank 〰️ Laser Tag 〰️ Photo Booth 〰️ Food Trucks (cash only!) 〰️

Bounce Houses 〰️ Dunk Tank 〰️ Laser Tag 〰️ Photo Booth 〰️ Food Trucks (cash only!) 〰️


In Acts 2:1-41 is the account of God equipping ordinary people to share an extraordinary message. The disciples were given the Holy Spirit [God in us] to guide, equip, and empower them to share God’s love and becomes more like Jesus themselves. When we are rescued by Jesus, he gives US the Holy Spirit too!

Be part of the DOLLAR WARS
and get a leader gunned!


Here are the questions we talked about in snack time. Ask your child(ren) the questions and get a conversation going at home!

1. In yesterday’s story, Jesus all the disciples a mission. What was it?
Answer: To tell all the nations [everyone!} about him!

2. Were the disciples super-humans?
Answer: No, they were ordinary people like us.

3. What amazing thing did God help the disciples do so they could tell people from other nations about Jesus?
Answer: The disciples were able to speak in other languages so people could understand.

4. If the disciples were normal like us, how do you think they felt sometimes when it was time to tell another person about Jesus?
Answer: Maybe nervous, shy, worried about how people would react

5. Who did God send to help them not just speak other languages but also be brave enough and have the right words to tell everyone about Jesus?
Answer: The Holy Spirit

We have the same job the disciples did! God has promised US the same gift that Jesus promised the disciples: Jesus promised to be with us always. When we choose to accept Jesus to rescue us, God fills us with his Holy Spirit to help us follow him AND give us the courage and words to tell others about him too.

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