Tuesday Night @ Surf Rescue


Matthew 28:16-20 tells us how Jesus sends his disciples out to be witnesses all over the world. Just like them, we are disciples too! We are called to “reach out” to others, showing them God’s love and telling them about how Jesus can save them from their sins.


If your child is allergic or sensitive to a snack ingredient, please send an alternate snack with them.

Be part of the DOLLAR WARS
and get a leader slimed in the dunk tank!


Here are the questions we talked about in snack time. Ask your child(ren) the questions and get a conversation going at home!

1. Does anyone remember how many years the disciples had been with Jesus?
Answer: 3 years

2. What were some of the things that the disciples got to see Jesus do while they were with him?
Answer: Teaching, healing, raising dead people, and dying on the cross and raising from the dead 

3. Jesus dying on the cross to take the punishment for our sins and then rising from the dead is the best news ever. What do we usually do if we have great news? 
Answer: We tell people!

4. Who did Jesus tell the disciples to share the good news with?
Answer: All nations. That’s everyone!

God loves us, and when we’ve been rescued, we should love others like He does.  The best way you can love others like Jesus is to help THEM be rescued from their sin, too.

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