Update Regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19)

A Message from Pastor Josh Reasoner

Calvary family, let’s take a moment to talk about what’s on our hearts and minds this week. The COVID-19 virus that has been impacting our world is now impacting our own lives on a local level, and I want to share with you how our church is responding. The governor of Indiana has advised that groups larger than 250 forgo gathering at this time. In support of our national and local governing authorities and those who are fighting the spread of the virus, we are hosting Sunday morning worship services online for the next 4 weeks.

Worship Services

Tune in to the service from calvaryweb.net. The service video will be available beginning at 8a on Sunday, and you can follow along with the notes on the Calvary app. We encourage you to gather with your family, your Life Group, or a small group of friends to worship together.


Even though we are not meeting on Sunday morning, ministry is still happening. Not meeting for services will create a financial hardship for our church. Would you help us by giving online?

Ways to give:
Click the button or go to calvaryweb.net/give
Text a dollar amount to 84321
Mail to 1325 Evans Ave., Valparaiso, IN 46383

Students & Kids

Calvary Students leaders will continue to engage with students throughout the week. But since we we won’t have Calvary Kids or Calvary Students large group gatherings on Sundays, resources will be available for families to have gospel conversations with your kids.

Life Groups

You are encouraged to continue meeting with your Life Group to “do life” together, if you are able to do so.


Our pastors and ministry staff are available throughout the week. We’re here to walk through this together so please reach out and let us know if you need help or care. And above all, know that you have an opportunity in this time: pray for our nation and for your friends and neighbors that they would be drawn to Jesus. The church is more than what happens in a building on Sunday. We are the church every day, and we’re still on mission. God wants to use you.

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