Monday Night @ Surf Rescue


Matthew 14:22-33 tells the amazing story of Jesus not only walking on water but also his disciple Peter doing it too! When Peter gets scared and starts to sink, he calls out to Jesus, who rescues him. Every one of us needs a Rescue Man to save us too. That’s Jesus!


If your child is allergic or sensitive to a snack ingredient, please send an alternate snack with them.

Be part of the DOLLAR WARS
and get a leader slimed in the dunk tank!


Here are the questions we talked about in snack time. Ask your child(ren) the questions and get a conversation going at home!

1. In the story, the disciples had a BIG problem.  What was their problem? 
Answer: A big storm 

2. When the disciples first saw Jesus walking to them, were they excited to see him?  
Answer: They were afraid. They didn’t realize it was him. They thought he was a ghost. 

3. Which disciple decided to trust Jesus? What did he ask Jesus to let him do? 
Answer: Peter asked Jesus to let him walk on the water to Jesus.

4. When did Peter start to sink?
Answer: When he started to look at the waves instead of Jesus. 

5. How was Peter rescued when he started to sink?
Answer: Jesus reached out His hand and caught him. 

6. What do WE need to be rescued from?
Answer: Our sin 

7. How are we rescued? 
Answer: Like Peter, we need to grab onto Jesus to rescue us. We can talk to God about our sin and tell him that we can’t save ourselves. Only Jesus can save us because he died on the cross in our place.

Have you asked Jesus to rescue you from sin? God wants each of us be rescued by Jesus. He is our Rescue Man!

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