Become a Member of Calvary Church

We believe that God wants every Christian to be a member of a local church.¹ Becoming a member of a church can be a life-changing decision. The preaching, teaching, fellowship, opportunities to use one’s gifts, and mutual accountability that we experience in a church can dramatically change our relationship with the Lord and with the people He places in our lives. Therefore, we want potential members to take time to get to know our church, learn how we are fulfilling God’s command to build His kingdom, and see how we love and relate to one another in daily life.

If you believe that Calvary Church might be a place where you can worship and engage in gospel-centered community, we invite you to attend our membership class, Membership Sessions. During that class you can learn more about our church’s doctrines and vision for ministry, and about the privileges and responsibilities of formal membership. Attending Membership Sessions will not obligate you to become a member.

If attending Membership Sessions convinces you that Calvary Church is a place that you can worship and engage in gospel-centered community, we would be delighted to have you become a member of our body. 

  1. For more on the importance of church membership, see Joshua Harris’ book, Stop Dating the Church: Fall in Love with the Body of Christ; the third chapter of Donald Whitney’s Spiritual Disciplines Within the Church: Participating Fully in the Body of Christ; and John’s Piper sermon “How Important Is Church Membership?” available online at