As Sam and Frodo make their way out of the Shire for the unknown lands of Middle Earth, Sam suddenly stops in his tracks.  Frodo turns to his loyal friend with a look of concern and asks if everything is ok.  Sam pauses – and with a thoughtful expression replies:  “If I take one more step – I will be the farthest away from home I have ever been.”  Our own Christian experience is a journey – or to use the exact words of Scripture – a “walk.”  Like Sam and Frodo – we are on a journey together – with God – and with each other.  And the next step – leads us “farther than we have ever been.”  There is danger.  There is mystery.  There is adventure.  But there is one difference.  Every time we take one more step we will be closer to “home” than we were before.  

Until we are “home” - until we have entered the Kingdom of Shalom – our next step is a step of faith on a journey with God – farther than we have ever been in our walk with Him – yet, closer to home.  I dedicate this blog and the miscellaneous journal entries – to the people of God who are with me on the journey.  Scripture – and those who have gone before us (a.k.a. – “church history” or “tradition”) will be our guide.  Our ultimate goal is to glorify and enjoy God on this journey – and to finish well.  May the Lord be with us.

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