A Local Church. A Global Mission.

Delivering the global gospel message is the responsibility of the local church (Mark 16:15, Acts 1:8, Matthew 28:19). Calvary shares the word and love of Christ by strategically partnering with organizations and missionaries around the world who share our vision to Multiply Churches and Care for Orphans, Orphan-vulnerable Children, and their Families.


Rescuing Orphans

We look for partners who provide vulnerable children and families holistic care, which may include meeting immediate physical needs, sharing the gospel and discipling, strengthening families, and supporting education and vocational training so that children and families can in turn transform their own communities.

Meet our partners →

Multiplying Churches

We partner with organizations and churches that work in-country to prepare and plant God-centered, biblically rooted, culturally relevant, and spiritually and relationally strong churches.

Meet our partners →



Read about the work our partners are doing, follow the Calvary Outreach social media, and pray for our partners, the mission teams that go out from Calvary, and the work God is doing here and around the world!



You can give to short-term mission teams and special projects or donate critical resources. Specific needs are usually shared on Sunday mornings or via the Calvary Outreach social media platforms.


Go on a short-term mission trip! See the global mission in action. Short-term mission teams are open to Calvary attenders who want to support and encourage our partners and the people they serve.